Sketcher ConstrainSymmetric/ro

Sketcher ConstrainSymmetric

Menu location
Sketch → Sketcher constraints → Constrain symmetrical
Default shortcut
Introduced in version
See also
Constraint Parallel



Constrângerea de simetrie obligă două puncte selectate pentru a deveni simetrice cu o anumită linie de simetrie, adică două puncte selectate sunt constrânse să stea pe o linie normală care trece prin cele două puncte și sunt constrânse să fie echidistan0te față de linia de simetrie. Alternativ, poate forța două puncte să fie simetrice față de al treilea.


Selectați două puncte (vârfuri) din schiță și o linie din schiță. Punctele selectate și linia vor fi verde închis.

Click pe iconița SymmetricalConstraint în bara de instrumente Sketcher sau selectați elementul de meniu Constrain Symmetrical din submeniul Sketcher Costraint din elementul de meniu Sketcher (sau Part Design). Aceasta va aplica constrângerea elementelor selectate.

Aceasta este o constrângere geometrică și nu are parametri editabili.

See also: Drawing aids.

Continue mode

  1. Make sure there is no selection.
  2. There are several ways to invoke the tool:
    • Press the Constrain symmetric button.
    • Select the Sketch → Sketcher constraints → Constrain symmetric option from the menu.
    • introduced in version 1.0: Right-click in the 3D view and select the Constrain → Constrain symmetric option from the context menu.
    • Use the keyboard shortcut: S.
  3. The cursor changes to a cross with the tool icon.
  4. Do one of the following:
    • Select two points and a symmetry point (in that order).
    • Select two points and a symmetry line (idem).
    • Select a point, a symmetry line and another point (idem).
    • Select a line and a symmetry point (idem).
  5. A constraint is added.
  6. Optionally keep creating constraints.
  7. To finish, right-click or press Esc, or start another geometry or constraint creation tool.

Run-once mode

  1. Do one of the following:
    • Select two points and a symmetry point (in that order).
    • Select two points and a symmetry line (in any order).
    • Select a line and a symmetry point (idem).
  2. Invoke the tool as explained above, or with the following additional option:
  3. A constraint is added.



Two points and a symmetry line:

Sketch.addConstraint(Sketcher.Constraint('Symmetric', Line1, PointOfLine1, Line2, PointOfLine2, SymmetryLine))

Two points and a symmetry point:

Sketch.addConstraint(Sketcher.Constraint('Symmetric', Line1, PointOfLine1, Line2, PointOfLine2, LineS, PointOfLineS))

A line and a symmetry point (In the GUI one can select a line and a point, but it uses internally the same form as above, with the two extremities of the same line):

Sketch.addConstraint(Sketcher.Constraint('Symmetric', Line, 1, Line, 2, LineS, PointOfLineS))

The Sketcher scripting page explains the values which can be used for Line1, Line2, LineS, Line, PointOfLine1, PointOfLine2 and PointOfLineS, and contains further examples on how to create constraints from Python scripts.